National Literary Braille
Competency Test

Part Three: Multiple Choice

This part contains twenty-five multiple-choice questions. Indicate your answer by clicking the radio button preceding the answer.

Note: Contractions used in words are indicated by the parentheses symbols. For example, in the word "o(the), the parentheses indicate that the contraction "the" is used.

Scoring: Each correct answer is worth four (4) points. A score of 84 is necessary to pass this part.

When you have completed Part Three, you will have completed the National Literary Braille Competency Test.

Student Name:
1. The question mark, the exclamation point, and dash are all:
  1. braille composition signs
  2. braille contractions
  3. marks of punctuation
  4. all of the above

2. The word "through" should be written:

  1. (th)r(ou)gh
  2. (th)rou(gh)
  3. (th)r(ou)(gh)
  4. (5)(th)

3. Which of the following is the correct order?

  1. italic sign, letter sign, opening quotation sign
  2. letter sign, italic sign, opening quotation sign
  3. opening quotation sign, italic sign, letter sign
  4. opening quotation sign, letter sign, italic sign

4. The letter "f" stands for:

  1. father
  2. for
  3. from
  4. fur

5. The "ou" sign should be used in which of the following?

  1. bouillon
  2. mouse
  3. touch
  4. all of the above

6. The word "southeast" should be written:

  1. s(ou)(the)a(st)
  2. s(ou)(th)(ea)(st)
  3. s(ou)(th)ea(st)
  4. sou(th)ea(st)

7. The "ar" sign should not be used in which of the following:

  1. arise
  2. infrared
  3. learn
  4. all of the above

8. Which of the following pairs may not be written together
  1. (for) (in)
  2. (for) (the)
  3. (of) (and)
  4. (with) (the)

9. How many spaces should be left between an exclamation point and the next word?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

10. The dots 2-3-5 stand for:

  1. exclamation point
  2. "ff"
  3. "to" contraction
  4. all of the above

11. The word "sedation" should be written:

  1. s(ed)(ation)
  2. s(ed)a(tion)
  3. sed(ation)
  4. seda(tion)

12. The word "community" is written:

  1. community
  2. (com)munity
  3. commun(ity)
  4. (com)mun(ity)

13. The word "indistinct" should be written:

  1. (in)distinct
  2. (in)dist(in)ct
  3. (in)(dis)t(in)ct
  4. (in)di(st)(in)ct

14. The word "offer" should be written:

  1. offer
  2. (of)fer
  3. (of)f(er)
  4. o(ff)(er)

15. The word "disheveled" should be written:

  1. disheveled
  2. (dis)heveled
  3. (dis)hevel(ed)
  4. di(sh)evel(ed)

16. Which of the following shows this phrase correctly?

  1. (to)(con)duct
  2. (to)conduct
  3. to (con)duct
  4. to conduct

17. If the hyphenated compound word "Four-Way" is fully capitalized

  1. no capitalization is required after the hyphen
  2. a single capital sign should be inserted after the hyphen
  3. a single capital sign is required before each letter following the hyphen
  4. a double capital sign should be inserted after the hyphen

18. The word "sister-in-law" should be written:

  1. si(st)(er)-(in)-law
  2. si(st)(er)-in-law
  3. si(st)er-in-law
  4. sist(er)-(in)-law

19. The "with" sign should be used in which of the following?

  1. withhold
  2. within
  3. without
  4. all of the above

20. The word "before" should be written:

  1. before
  2. be(for)e
  3. (be)f
  4. (be)(for)e

21. The hyphen is:

  1. dots 1-4
  2. dots 2-5
  3. dots 3-4
  4. dots 3-6

22. The opening quotation mark is:

  1. dots 2-3-5
  2. dots 2-3-6
  3. dots 2-5-6
  4. dots 3-5-6

23. The word "continent" should be written:

  1. (con)tinent
  2. (con)t(in)ent
  3. (con)tin(en)t
  4. (con)t(in)(en)t

24. The word "inconvenient" is written:

  1. (in)(con)v(en)i(en)t
  2. (in)conv(en)i(en)t
  3. (in)conv(en)ient
  4. (in)conveni(en)t

25. Which of the following is the correct representation of the word "had"?

  1. (4-5)h
  2. (4-5-6)h
  3. (5)h
  4. (5-6)h