BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Introduction to Braille Course
Transcribers Course
Specialized Codes Course
 BRL: Braille Through Remote Learning Registration Form
This form lets you register for one of the three BRL: Braille through Remote Learning courses. Before you register, READ THIS:
- There is no charge for registration. Registration gets you a user id and a password (different for each course)
- There are NO INSTRUCTORS for this program. Due to the end of funding, we no longer provide feedback on your work. We also do not answer any questions (technical or braille) or otherwise provide any support of any kind.
- The materials continue to be available online for you to use as a self-study program
Click on the course to go to the appropriate registration page:
- Introduction to Braille Course
- Braille Transcribers Course
TO REGISTER: Click on the course above. You will be presented with an online form to complete. Once you have completed the form, hit the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.
Happy brailling!