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Braille Transcribers Course
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Braille Transcribers Course - Schedule/Syllabus |
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In this session, the roles and responsibilities of the braille transcriber are presented. The session includes a discussion of transcriber certification, professional opportunities, transcriber organizations, and other information of use to the prospective transcriber. Exercises include an opportunity to transcribe, read, and proofread!
Session 2 presents information on the brailling of abbreviations, specialized speech constructs, Roman numerals, and other specialized structures.
Session 3 presents general rules and guidelines for the transcription of non-textbooks, including discussions of page numbering, titles and running heads, tables of content, and the like. Emphasis is on preliminary pages.
This session presents introductory information on the specifics of formatting textbooks, with a discussion of approved changes in the code for preparation of textbooks.
Session 5 continues the discussion on preparation of textbooks. This section focuses on mathematical and nonalphabetical signs, print shapes, notes, and other marginal materials.
This session discusses the formatting of various types of outlines, indexes, tables and materials containing columns.
Session 7 presents the technologies, techniques, and tools used by the transcriber to effectively render visually-presented information into braille, including a discussion on how to do basic tactile graphics. Also included is a short discussion on transcribing shapes, special typefaces (such as color), and other print anomalies. A number of examples of special items (forms, timelines, bar graphs, etc.) are also presented, along with the complete rule for producing these materials.
Session 8 looks at the transcribing of poetry, verse, prose, hymnbooks, and other documents, some of which include numbered lines and verses.
Session 9 looks at how to handle material that is designed to support or supplement the "basic" text, such as boxed or screened materials, notes in the margin, and the like..
This session discusses some techniques for the preparation of exams, worksheet materials, and other related documents.
Session 11 looks at the brailling other unusual items, such as plays and dialogues, spellers and grammars, sentence diagrams, phonetics, and speech materials.
Session 12: Specialized Documents II 
This session continues the overview of speciality documents, such as crossword puzzles, dicitionaries and glossaries, catalog cards, and other print materials is presented.
Session 13: Computers in Braille Transcribing 
In this session, the role of computers and other emerging technologies is discussed, with a focus on the role of the transcriber in the use of computing and other technologies.
Session 14: Final Exam; Course Wrap-up / Evaluation 
In this final session, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through a large tasking. Evaluations and "final words" will conclude this course offering.