BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Specialized Codes Course
Session Topics
Numerals and Indicator
Signs of Operation
Signs of Comparison
Decimal Point
Signs of Omission
Reading Exercise
Writing Exercise
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Decimal Point |
American . |
Continental , |
Use of the Decimal Point: Although the symbols for the American and Continental decimal points differ in print, the difference is not shown in braille. A transcriber's note should be included at the beginning of the braille text to inform the reader of the Continental usage in the ink-print edition.
In a numeral, no space should be left between the decimal point and the digits to which in applies.
- Is 1.306 less than 1.31?

- 3.05 x 3.7 = 11.285

- 3,14

(the continental decimal point is shown in print)
The Decimal Point and the Numeric Indicator:
- The numeric indicator must be used before the decimal point preceding a numeral when the decimal point follows a space or begins a braille line. The numeric indicator must also be used before a decimal point which follows any punctuation mark other than a hyphen connecting two mathematical expressions.
- .6 is the square root of .36.

- .7 > .1

- 5 x .03 = .15

- .50 + .17 + 1.50 = 2.17

- ".8 is a decimal fraction."

- .01-to-.25

- List the numerals from .01-.25.

- The numeric indicator must be placed between the minus sign and a decimal point preceding a numeral when the minus sign begins a braille line, or follows a space or punctuation mark.
- -.32 + .98= +.66

- Add -.75 and -.18

- .69 - .73 = -.04

- The tolerance is ±.005, not -.005.

- Is "-.55" the correct answer?
