Brailling title pages is relatively straight-forward, although it sometimes requires a little pre-planning! Some of the guidelines:
- all 25 lines of the braille page should be used. The title should be brailled in all caps, centered, on Line 1 and the year that the book was brailled should appear on Line 25
- all lines are centered
- the author's name appears in capital letters
- the word "By" appears on its own line, unless you have multiple authors and need the room!
- use multiple blank lines to fill out the page if necessary. For example, use two blank lines rather than one to ensure the braille is spread out over the entire 25 lines. Typically, you would add extra lines from the bottom of the page up. Likewise, if you need to eliminate blank lines, do so from the bottom up.
- if there is only one volume, type the words "In One Volume", otherwise indicate the number of volumes and which volume this is. Volume numbers should be in capital Roman numerals, and the page numbers should include both non-numeric and numeric numberings.
- if the copyright is held by the publisher, it is not necessary to include who owns the copyright. In the case of the book example below, the copyright is owned by the author, so that is specified explicitly. If the print copy uses the copyright symbol, the transcriber should spell out the word "Copyright".
- For all title pages (except the trial manuscript you submit for certification), all of the publishers cities should be included on the title page if possible. You should leave three (3) balck cells between each of the locations if no punctuation has been used in the print. If there is not room to get all of the locations on one braille line, use just the first city name. For "common" city names that are easily identifiable, it is not necessary to include the state. You can use either a standard abbreviation or the postal two-digit abbreviation. Never use a zip code on a title page.
- ISBN numbers should be listed on title pages, on a line following the copyright information. Follow the print copy for capitalization, punctuation, and spacing.
- the title page carries no page number, but does count as Roman numeral "i" when counting pages.
The following is a print version of a standard title page. The numbers represent line numbers, and are not included in the braille:
- Unusual, Interesting and Little-Known
- Stories of North Carolina and South Carolina
- By
- Webb Garrison
- With Permission of the Publishers
- Rutledge Hill Press, Inc.
- Nashville, TN
- Copyright, 1988
- By Webb Garrison
- ISBN: 0-934395-75-6
- Transcribed in English Braille
- By Robert Gotwals
- Durham, NC
- In Two Volumes
- Volume I
- Pages i-iv and 1-75
- Under the Sponsorship of
- The Shodor Education Foundation
- Durham, NC
- 1998
The braille is as follows:

Notice that I ran out of room, so I eliminated the blank line between "Pages i-iv and 1-75" and "Under the Sponsorship", where a blank line would normally go. I also opted to include the postal abbreviation for Tennessee, since I don't have a warm fuzzy that most folks would automatically know where "Nashville" is located. Notice that the ISBN number is included, as is the fact that Webb Garrison owns the copyright, and not the publisher.