BRL: Braille through Remote Learning

Braille Transcribers Course

Session 8 page

Session Topics
  • Poetry
  • Margin-numbered Texts
  • Songbooks and Hymnals

  • Writing Exercise

  • Transcribers Course
  • Special Codes course

  • Session 8: Songbooks and Hymnals

    This section deals solely with songs or hymns that appear in textbooks, such as those found in elementary school readers. Standard hymnals and songbooks are more often than not brailled according the standard music braille notation (as discussed in the Specialized Codes materials on music braille.) The specific rules for hymnals and songbooks is presented in Section 4 of Rule 11.

    Since many hymns and songs are simply poems set to music, if it is the situation that no music braille is provided, the transcriber will typically follow the standard rules for brailling poetry, as described in the rule on poetry. An example is instructive:

    1. Songbook page