Type Forms and Type-Form Indicators: Specific provision is made by the use of type-form indicators for the transcription of boldface, italic, script, and sanserif print type forms. A type-form indicator is not required to show regular type.
Type-Form Indicators for Letters, Numerals, and Compound Expressions
Boldface Type Indicator |
Italic Type Indicator |
Sanserif Type Indicator |
Script Type Indicator |
Type-Form Indicators with Letters:
The appropriate type-form indicator must be used when it is necessary to show that a letter from any alphabet is printed in a type form other than regular type. A type-form indicator must always be followed by an alphabetic indicator.
- A

(boldface English capitalized a)
- a

(boldface English uncapitalized a)

(boldface Greek uncapitalized alpha)
- A

(italic English capitalized a)
- a

(italic English uncapitalized a)

(script English capitalized a)

(script English uncapitalized a)

(sanserif English capitalized h)

(sanserif English uncapitalized h)
The effect of a type-form indicator extends only to the letter which immediately follows it. Thus, in a sequence of un-spaced letters, a type-form indicator must be used before each letter that is not in regular type.
- AB

(boldface English capitalized a and b)
- ab

(boldface English uncapitalized a and b)

(boldface Greek capitalized alpha and beta)
- ab

(italic English uncapitalized a and b)

(script English capitalized a and b)

(italic English capitalized a, boldface uncapitalized b, italic capitalized c, script uncapitalized d)
- pqrs

(regular English uncapitalized p, boldface q, boldface r, regular s)
- xiyj

(regular English capitalized x, boldface i, regular y, boldface j)

(regular Greek uncapitalized alpha, boldface English uncapitalized a)

(sanserif English capitalized h, regular English capitalized h)
- p + 1 = r

(boldface English uncapitalized p,q,r)
Type-Form Indicators with Numerals:
- The appropriate type-form indicator must be used when it is necessary to show that numerals are printed in a type form other than regular type. The numeric indicator must always be used between a type-form indicator and a numeral or decimal point.
- 0

(boldface zero)
- 3

(italic 3)
- .3

(italic .3)

(script 4)
- +0

(ordinary plus, boldface zero)
- -0

(ordinary minus, boldface zero)
The effect of a type-form indicator with numerals extends until there is a change in type. Thus, when numerals contain digits in mm, the appropriate type-form indicator and the numeric indicator must be used before each change in type. However, when the change is to regular type, only the numeric indicator is used.
- 1 2 3

(boldface 1,2,3)
- 456

(boldface 4, italic 5, regular 6)
- 4567

(boldface 4 and 5, regular 6 and 7)
- 1234

(regular 1 and 2, boldface 3 and 4)
- 100 + 200 = 300
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
(boldface 1,2, and 3; all zeros in regular type)
- 28-571

(italic 28, hyphen, boldface 571)
- 47-653

(italic 47, hyphen, regular 653)
Type-Form Indicators with Compound Expressions:
When it is necessary to show that a compound expression consisting of a numeral joined by a hyphen to a word or abbreviation is entirely printed in the same nonregular type, the appropriate type-form indicator must be used before the numeral. The effect of the type-form indicator extends throughout the compound expression.
- 35-ohm

(the entire expression is in boldface type)
- 35-ft

(the entire expression is in italic type)
If, in the compound expression, there is a chnage from nonregular to regular type after the hyphen, the hyphen must be preceded by the literary termination sign  
- 35-ohm

(35 in boldface type, ohm in regular type)
If, in the compound expression, there is a change from regular to nonregular type after the hyphen, only the appropriate type-form indicator must be used after the hyphen.
- 35-ohm

(35 in regular type, ohm in boldface type)
If, in the compound expression, there is a change from one nonregular type to a different nonregular type after the hyphen, the appropriate type-form indicator must be used before each part of the expression.
- 35-ohm

(35 in boldface type, ohm in italic type)
Use and Nonuse of Type-Form Indicators in Technical Texts:
When a uniform type form is used throughout a print text for letters, numerals, or other mathematical symbols, the type form must be considered regular type, and type-form indicators must not be used. For example, type-form indicators must not be used when the letters of all formulas thorughout a text are uniformly printed in italic type. However, the specific type form must be shown when a different type form is introducted to convey a special mathematical distinction, as when the author uses different type forms to distinguish between two meanings of the same letter. A type form which has no mathematical significance, or which is used only to attract a reader's attention, must not be shown in braille.
- R denotes the set of rational numbers, and R
denotes the set of real numbers.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
When boldface type is used in print to identify letters as vectors or to denote a zero as the null vector, the boldface type has mathematical significance and must be shown in braille.
- Is there a vector s such that r + s = t?
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- In pv = 0, v is a vector and 0 is the null vector.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- a + 0 = a
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- B = 2i + 3j + 2k
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
Type-Form Indicators with Labeled Mathematical Statements, Words, and Phrases:
Opening Boldface Type Indicator |
Closing Boldface Type Indicator |
Opening Italic Type Indicator |
Closing Italic Type Indicator |
Type-Form Indicators with Labeled Mathematical Statements:
When a labeled Mathematical statement such as a theorem, axiom, lemma, etc. is printed in nonregular type, the label must be transcribed as though it were entirely capitalized, and the statement must be preceded and followed by its appropriate opening and closing type-form indicators. The type-form indicators must be preceded and followed by a space.
- Theorem 4. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- Definition. x + yi = a + bi, if and only if x = a and y = b.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
In the body of a labeled mathematical statement, if a word or phrase is printed in a different nonregular type for emphasis or special distinction, the word or phrase must be preceded and followed by its appropriate type-form indicators. When two type-form midicators must be used consecutively, they must be unspaced from each other.
- Definition. A hexagon is a polygon which has 6 sides.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- Definition. Equal arcs are arcs that can be made to coincide.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- Definition. A polygon that has 5 sides is a pentagon.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
Type-Form Indicators With Unlabeled Statements:
In an unlabeled statement, a word or a phrase printed in boldface type for emphasis or special distinction must be preceded and followed by the boldface type-form indicators in accordance with the rules of 45 above.
- Name the set of letters in apple.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- LCM stands from least common multiple.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- In an unlabeled statement, an italicized phrase showing emphasis or special distinction and beginning or ending with a numeral, letter or other mathematical symbol or expression must be preceded and followed by the italic type -form indicators in accordance with rule 45 above.
However, an italicized word or an italicized phrase both beginning and ending with a word must be transcribed according to the rules of English braille.
- O is the vertex.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- The common internal tangent is PC.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- LCD means least common denominator.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.
- If a + b = b + a, then addition is commutative.
Look at the braille equivalent in a separate window.