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English Indicator
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English Letter Indicator |
Capitalization indicator (single) |
Use of the English Letter Indicator With English Letters in Regular Type:
The English letter indicator must be used with a single capitalized or uncapitalized English letter or with an uncapitalized combination of letters corresponding to a short-form word of English brailleif, in braille, the letter or short-form combination is preceded by a space or by one or more punctuation marks and is followed by a space or by one or more punctuation marks.
When the English letter indicator is used, its effect extends to the letter or to the entire short-form combination following it. If a letter is capitalized, the capitalization indicator must be placed between the English letter indicator and the letter.
Single letters and short-form combinations which are not words or abbreviations are mathematical expressions and must be punctuated accordingly.
- Set R contains x elements.

- Vitamins A and D.

- p is larger than q.

- cd is more than ac.

- l, m, n are in Set S.

- a, b, c, ...., z.

- Find A, B, and C.

- ab, cd, and gd are equal.

- n:v means "the mapping n of v."

- "v varies as x."

- "a" is less than "B".

- The hypothesis about "ab" is not true.

- A. 12 + 6 - 8=?
B. 4 * 6 *1000=?

Unless otherwise stated, the English letter indicator must be used with a single English letter or a short-form letter combination joined to a word, to part of a word, to a numeral, to a letter, or to any other material by a hyphen or a dash. Unless otherwise stated, a word or part of a word joined to a letter by the hyphen or the dash must be contracted and punctuated according to the rules of English braille.
- not-p

- x - intercept

- Label the X- and Y-axes.

- find the r-, s-, and t-planes.

- Find the ab-plane.

- n-tuple

- unary, binary,...., m-ary.

- Which is larger---A or B ?

- A---not B--- has a greater area.

- Sections 1-a and a-1.

- Use a-f to find the solution.

- Read exercises A--D.

Nonuse of the English Letter Indicator With English Letters in Regular Type:
The English letter indicator must not be use with a single English letter or short-form combination in regular type immediately preceding or following a sign of comparison. However, the English letter indicator must be used with a single letter or a short-form combination which is separated from a sign of comparison by a mark of punctuation.
- If a = c = d, then ac = cd.

- p < q and R>S.

- a : b :: c : d

- j = 1, 2, ...., n

- 40% of N = 120

- r = rate

- x, y, z = 100

- In "x = y", x and y are unknowns

- n:v = m:p

- "x" ="y"

The English letter indicator must not be used with a combination of letters which corresponds to a short-form word if the short-form combination contains any capitalized letters.
- Ac means A times c.

- Let Dcv be "c divides v."

The English letter indicator must not be used with two or more unspaced capitalized or uncapitalized letters which do not correspond to a short-word. English braille contractions must not be used where contractible letter combinations occur in a mathematical sequence of letters in which each letter has a separate identity.
Since the effect of the capitalization indicator extends only to the following letter, each capitalized letter in a mathematical sequence must be capitalized individually. Such sequences of letters are mathematical expressions and must be punctuated accordingly.
- Is ca the same as ac?

- Measure line wh.

- "xy is the same as yx."

- Find the points in the xy- and st-axes.

- Prove PQRS is a rhombus.

- Find chords AC, AL, and EF.

- If th = ef, then lm = ch

The English letter indicator must not be used with one or more English letters in regular type which occur in an unspaced sequence or terms consisting of a mixture of numerals, letters from other alphabets, signs of operation, or any other unspaced mathematical symbol.
- 3a X 4b = 12ab

- 2x means 2 X x

- a + b = c

- e X e X e = e-cubed

- Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

- CE + ED > DC

- ab X cd = ac X bd

- Substitute -y for + y

- a + a + a + a + ..... + a

- a + b + c + .......n

- Sides d' and d are similar.

- R'S'T'

- 35 equals N% of 120

- x¢ = $1.00

- 40 dimes equals $x

When a single English letter or a combination of unspaced letters has a plural, possessive, or ordinal ending,the English letter indicator must be used or must not be used as though such endings were not present. The English letter indicate must not be used with the letter "s" when the "s" is part of the apostrophe-s combination.
- a's, b's, and c's.

- A's, B's, and C's

- ps, qs, and rs.

- Ps, Qs, and Rs.

- The ab's, cd's, and ef's.

- The ABC's and XYZ's.

- Find the nth root of x.

- The abth and jkth columns.

- 2nth
