BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Specialized Codes Course
Session Topics
Signs of Grouping
Enclosed Lists (Grouping)
Nondecimal Bases
Level Indicators
Reading Exercise
Writing Exercise
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Enclosed lists:
Definition: To save time and space, special provision is made for the transcription of a sequence of mathematical items enclosed in signs of grouping. Such an enclosed list must begin and end with an ink-print sign of grouping. The items of the list can only be numerals, letters, or other mathematical expressions, the ellipsis, the long dash, or any sign of omission. The items of the list must be separated by commas.
An enclosed list must not contain a word, an abbreviation, an ordinal ending, a plural ending, a sign of comparison, or any punctuation mark except the commas which separate items.
Nonuse of the Numeric and English Letter Indicators With Enclosed Lists: In an enclosed list, the English letter indicator must not be used with any English letter or combination of letters in regular type. In addition, the numeric indicator must not be used before a numeral or decimal point in regular type which begins an item in an enclosed list. However, the English letter and numeric indicators must be used with any letter or numeral in a nonregular type form.
- {a, b, c, d}

- (0, a, 1, b, 2)

- (A, A',B, B', C)

- (a, 2x, b)


- (ab, cd, ef)

- <-1, 0]

- (-1, -2, -3)

- [.1, .02, .003]

- (0, -1, ±2)

- (1 + h, 2 + k, 0)

- (5 + 5, 10 + 10)

- (a, b, c, . . . , z)

- (2, 4, 6, _____, 10)

- (1, 3, ?, ?, 9)

- (x, 7, y, 8)

- (j, k)

Items in an enclosed list must not be divided between braille lines or braille pages. If there is insufficient space on a line to accommodate the expression, this space must be left blank, and the entire enclosed list must be brought down to the next line.
- The replacement set is {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.

Signs of Grouping With Plural Endings and Parts of Words: In accordance with the ink-print text, the appropriate grouping symbols must be used to enclose plural endings and parts of words.
- Which problem(s) are correct?

- Notice the prefix in (bi)nomial.

Spacing With Signs of Grouping:
In an enclosed expression, no space should be left between a dash, an ellipsis, a sign of comparison, or any other symbol and its sign of grouping.
- (_____, 3, 5, 7, _____)

- ( . . . ,2, 4, 6, . . . )

- The symbol (=) denotes equality.

- Use (> or <) to make a true statement.

- (+, -, x)

- ($) and (¢) denote dollars and cents.

The spacing before and after an enclosed expression is subject to the spacing rules for the signs which precede or follow the enclosure. In addition, no space should be left between an enclosed expression and a letter, a numeral, or another sign of grouping when these items are unspaced in print and are part of the same expression.
- (4 x 30) + (4 x 2) = 128

- 8 x (40 + 3) = (8 + 40) x (8 + 3)

- || a | - | b || < | a - b |

- (rate) x (time) = (distance)

- (2 x 3)$ = 6$

- Do examples (1) - (10).

- (1) . . . (10)

- (2x - 3y) mi.

- Solve for x (x > 0).

- f (x) = | x |

- A(2) + B(1) + C(2) + D = 0

- 3(x - 1)(x + 4) < 0

- [-4 - (-1)] + [-1 - (-3)]

- {(1, 0) , (1, 1)}

A space must be left between an opening and a closing sign of grouping when the blank space between them in print does not represent an omission.
- Parentheses ( ) are symbols of grouping.

Transcriber's Notes:
The transcriber's grouping symbols   must be used to enclose a transcriber's note which has been inserted in the text. They must not be used to enclose transcriber's notes on preliminary pages at the beginning of a braille volume.
A transcriber's note of seven words or less may be inserted directly into the text where it applies, leving one space before and after the note. Longer notes must be inserted before the text to which they apply. Such transcriber's notes must be written in paragraph form, indented 6 cells from the martin in effect with all runovers indented 4 spaces from the margin in effect in accordance with Braille FORMATS
The same rules governing the punctuation and contraction of expressions with signs of grouping also apply to transcriber's grouping symbols. The numeric indicator must be used after the opening transcriber's grouping symbol, and the English letter indicator must be used or must not be used as though the grouping signs were absent.
- What value does the red 2 have in 22?

- In 4 + 5, 4 is an even number.

- An F denotes negation.

- Which number is greater
or 3?
