BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Specialized Codes Course
Session Topics
Signs of Grouping
Enclosed Lists (Grouping)
Nondecimal Bases
Level Indicators
Reading Exercise
Writing Exercise
Other Resources
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Contractions Lookup
Contractions List
Intro Braille course
Transcribers course
Superscripts, Subscripts, And Level Indicators
Superscript Level Indicators:The superscript level indicator must be used to show that the symbols immediatley following it appear on the first level above the baseline of writing. Superscripts may carry superscripts of their own. In such cases, the superscript indicator must be doubled, tripled, etc. to indicate superscripts on the second, third, or higher levels of writing.
- x2

- nm

- 24?

- 3-0.05T

- (y - k)3

- A(k+1)+m

- nab

- na+1b+1c+1
