BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Specialized Codes Course
Session Topics
Signs of Grouping
Enclosed Lists (Grouping)
Nondecimal Bases
Level Indicators
Reading Exercise
Writing Exercise
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Intro Braille course
Transcribers course
Superscripts, Subscripts, And Level Indicators
Baseline Indicator:
In an unspaced expression the baseline indicator must be used to be used after a superscript or subscript to indicate a return to the baseline of writing. However, the baseline indicator must not be used to return to the baseline after a numeric subscript not requiring a subscript indicator.
- a2+b2+c2

- 4(x-y)3-2(x-y)3

- 3a3b + 6a6b2 + 9a9b3

- xn - dimensional system

- 62- or 6 x 6- is 36.

- 78 - 48

- aibjckdl

- five3+five3

- a1a2 + b1b2 + c1c2

- v = v1i1 + v2i2 + . . .

- a0bk + a1bk-1 + . . . + akb0

The baseline indicator must be placed before a sign of grouping when a level indicator is in effect and the grouping symbol appears on the baseline of writing. However, the baseline indicator must not be placed after a numeric subscript not requiring a subscript indicator.
- (x2 + y2) - (x2 + y2)

- (a2)8(+2b)3

- {fn}

- Iam-anI

- (x1y1+x2y2)

- ([CH3]2CH)

- f1(x) = g(x) "·" q2(x)+f2(x)

No space should be left between an abbreviation and a related indicator. When it is necessary to return to the baseline, no space should be left before the baseline indicator.
- 144 ft2 + 144 ft2

- 2 m3 + 2 m3

- 2 m. 3 + 2 m. 3
