BRL: Braille through Remote Learning
Specialized Codes Course
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Signs of Grouping
Enclosed Lists (Grouping)
Nondecimal Bases
Level Indicators
Reading Exercise
Writing Exercise
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Intro Braille course
Transcribers course
Superscripts, Subscripts, And Level Indicators
Detached Superscripts and Subscripts: When an entire superscript or subscript stands alone, it should be written without a level indicator in braille, and a transcriber's note must be inserted to explain its print position.
- In x2, the 2 is the exponent.

- In xn, n denotes the base.

Superscript and Subscript Combinations: Combinations of subscripts to superscripts or of superscripts to subscripts require level indicators composed of two or more braille symbols.
Such level indicators are used in the following way:
The first indicator shows the upward or downward position of the superscript or subscript in relation to the baseline of writing.
The second indicator shows the upward or downward position of the superscript or subscript from the first position indicated.
The third indicator shows the upward or downward position of the superscript or subscript from the second position indicated, etc.
- Superscript with Subscript:

- xna

- Superscript With Subscript With Subscript:

- Superscript With Subscript With Superscript:

- Superscript With Superscript With Subscript:

- Subscript With Superscript:

- Subscript With Superscript With Superscript:

- Subscript With Superscript With Subscript:

- Subscript With Subscript With Superscript:
